Project Dinoportal -

What is Project Dinoportal? Dinoportal is a new type of social media based on a few aspects other companies choose not to implement.

DP has the following Features (at the time of writing)


Project Dino portal is now The Forum. You can check it out here


  • Comments
  • Likes
  • Editing
  • Promotional posts
  • Video/image/text posts


  • Change the background of your profile
  • Custom User icon/avatar
  • Followers
  • View posts and comments made by you or others
  • Other Media (tiktok, youtube, instagram etc)


  • Chat with up to 250 people at once, per group
  • Chat one on one 
  • Text formatting
  • Delete messages on both sides

Events, Search and More features coming.



Sally AI -

Sally AI is a new API based artificial intelligence models. This currnetly only includes Text classification. (social media tagging)

The current text classification API offerings:

  • 21 different topics (95% accuracy when building)
  • 27 Emotions (80% accuracy when building)
  • Keywords and possible topics (accuracy can vary)

Payment APIs

  • Stripe is used as our payment processor
  • Every account created starts off as a "free" tier, which the user can upgrade
  • Plans range from Free to $499.99 USD. billing every month


  • Framework and Libraries:
    • Python
    • Flask
    • json (for handling JSON data)
  • Endpoints:
    • Defines a single endpoint (`/`) that accepts POST requests
  • Authentication:
    • Validates API key (`auth` parameter) against entries in the table
  • Subscription Plans and Limits:
    • Defines subscription plans (`free`, `basic`, `standard`, `pro`, `enterprise`)
    • Checks user's subscription plan to determine access rights and usage limits
  • Request Handling:
    • Verifies API key and user subscription status for access control
  • Response Handling:
    • Constructs and returns JSON responses to the client
    • Includes appropriate status codes (`200 OK`, `400 Bad Request`, `401 Unauthorized`, `403 Forbidden`)

Fast Uploads

We have Fast Upload Speeds (Up to 150mbps Up Stream)

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